Corps Messagers
by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow
with Domitille Martin as guest artist
3 February — 26 March 2022
Berta Blanca T. Ivanow’s ( b. 1992 in Barcelona ) own embryonic structures, made in stoneware clay, are a grand statement of belief in the power of introducing the corporeal into sculpture. The latest work of the artist combines a visual logic that is often closer to totems than sculpture, however the artist’s preoccupation turns more towards the negotiation of their relationship to the human body rather than their own objectification. Ivanow works in her sacred laboratory where the holy to praise is to reconnect with the mother earth. Hence, for the sculptures grouped in this exhibition, the artist efforts in exploring a diverse range of firing techniques which hold as common denominator the four elements of western culture: fire, earth, air and water.
Berenice by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow, 2021. Stoneware clay fired at high temperature in a gas kiln with the reduction method presented with blonde horse hair.
L'Oreille by Berta-Blanca T. Ivanow, 2022. Coconut soap with essential oils: cinnamon, lavender and orange, 47 cm x 35 cm x 15 cm
Overview of Corps Messagers exhibition by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow. 2022
Protuberance by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow, 2021. Monotype on 600 gramme handmade paper.
L'Oreille by Berta-Blanca T. Ivanow, 2022. Coconut soap with essential oils: cinnamon, lavender and orange, 47 cm x 35 cm x 15 cm
Metamorphic Seeds by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow, 2021. Recycled wire with handmade paper.
Messe Profane performance by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow. February 2022.
Burden of Existence III by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow, 2021
Berenice by Berta-Blanca T. Ivanow, 2021. Horse hair on 2 mm cardboard, dyed with oil based ink, rabbit's glue. 60 cm x 70 cm
Ceramic works by Berta Blanca T. Ivanow on the upper level of Sainte Anne Gallery. Tapestry by Domitille Martin.
Berta Blanca T. Ivanow and her ceramic artworks, photographed by Alba Yruela, 2021.