Off Water II
Collective show
With Mirsini Artakianou, Ranti Bam, Mariona Berenguer, Hannah Bohnen, Isabel Fredeus, Alizée Gazeau, Eva Gentner, Bianca Lee Vasquez, Ghislaine Portalis, Miriam Rose Gronwald, Laura Sebastianes, Marina Stanimirovic. Curated by Alizée Gazeau.
7 April — 4 June 2022
The immeasurable scale of the space-time in which we evolve requires us to permanently adjust the distance to that which surrounds us – in order to measure the scope of our impacts, the potential for actions, their possible failure and the extent of the dynamics that shape the "habitable". Water as a major component of our terrestrial system, from its oceanic surfaces to the fauna and flora, structures our relations.
Off Water implies changes of state according to metabolic processes. These metamorphoses allow for hybridization and initiate upheaval. The artists of the exhibition deploy spaces that host the meeting of forms and affects. To leave the water implies a movement. Metaphorically, "to be out of the water" invites us to take a time out. The exhibition is composed as a territory through which the works draw the cartography of another possible space-time — hinting at that which is bigger than us, while allowing proximities and a reversal of scale.
AF_1_22 by .by Alizée Gazeau, 2022. Unique print on cotton canvas, 145 cm x 100 cm. Elytra by Marina Stanimirovic, 2021. Two spray painted steel pieces, 47 cm x 86 cm x 140 cm.
λ by Mirsini Artakianou, 2029. Brass, threads 120 cm x 85 cm x 85 cm
Transportable Bouy by Eva Gentner, 2021. Aluminium sculpture. 145 cm x 230 cm x 150 cm
Untitled by Ranti Bam, 2021. Black stoneware glaze 47 cm x 33 cm x 7 cm. Untitled by Ranti Bam, 2021. Green stoneware glaze, 38 cm x 44 cm.
Overview of Off Water II exhibition by 12 international female artists. 2022
Amanites Phalloides by Ghislaine Portalis, 2022. Glass, mirror, pins.
Take Me to My Watery Beginnings by Bianca Lee Vasquez, 2022
Take Me to My Watery Beginnings, by Bianca Lee Vasquez, 2022. Performance during the opening of the exhibition.
Jelly Blanket #2 by Isabel Fredeus, 2021. Iton, glass. 63 cm x 40 cm x 5,5 cm
Acid Trip by Isabel Fredeus, 2021. Time-based installation, glass, acid, shells, nylon, wood, variable dimensions.
Loop White by Hannah Bohnen, 2022. Varnish on MDF. 40 cm x 60 cm
Selbstblühend (Auto-flowering) and Insomnia (7) by Mariona Berenguer, 2021. Light installation. Gouache, pigment and Acrylic on paper 100 cm x 70 cm.